For me, this is where IMDL! started to take shape. I took this version round to my regular Thursday night gaming group. Normally, it's reserved for published games, but the fellas did me the service of playing it through. It was also the first time I played it with 4 players.
The Main Board
In an effort to shorten the game, I reduced the number of rounds down to 12. (Again, this wasn't enough, but i was at least heading in the right direction.)
I moved the Enemy Cards off the map into their own plates and reduced the number of areas in each region down to 5. That way, only a d20 was required to decide where the enemy would land.
I expanded the number of perks to 4, adding 'Sidekick', which gave a player an extra damage bonus when fighting that turn.
I reduced the amount of bonus damage enemies got when the threat level went up. I would also note at this time, the level would go down if the enemies were removed from the map.
Changed the Shield and Health tracks around as it was less confusing
I thinned the cards to fit to the board but gave them spaces for shield and health damage trackers in case they stayed on the board. As the number of rounds dropped, I also reduced the number or cards required.
What really started to become a main factor of the game was the level of interactivity between players. Initially, it was designed to be almost semi-solo, but players had more fun working together and bartering with their dice abilities for resources.
It was still a little confusing the order of play under certain circumstances. This needed to be tidied up.
The threat track wasn't that threatening.
Enemies needed more 'flavour'.
Still too long.
Still too much stuff!