Invariably, the busier I get, the less I tend to update this blog. And the last few months have been no exception. It’s been a long road to get to this point, but I’m finally going live with Mech Force on March 5th.
Publishing has been a completely different experience to designing. I’ve has to learn a lot more of the Adobe suite for one thing. Making a Kickstarter video has been rewarding but taken a while, as has the Kickstarter page itself. Again, Shem has been an absolute legend. It’s been amazing to have a mate who’s a KS ‘veteran’ close by to bounce questions and concerns off of.
So 3 weeks to go, and fingers crossed. Everything seems to be moving along okay. I have a few outstanding things to take care off, namely review sites and confirming pricing for the logistics, but it’s happening. It’s really happening…