Apologies, I have been lax in keeping up with this blog. This is mainly for two reasons; firstly, I don’t think I’ve anything that earth-shattering to share, and secondly, board game design takes an exceedingly long time to produce anything worthwhile.
However, I haven’t been resting on my laurels. Over the past year, I designed the follow-up to Hadrian’s Wall which Garphill Games will be publishing come the end of the year, which is all very exciting.
Also, another local publisher has asked me to work on a design within an IP they manage. This has been a unique experience, creating in a space where the theme hasn’t been spawned from my own head. Hopefully, more news on that in the coming months.
And I’m going to GenCon again this year! Can’t wait.
I’ll endeavor to add more stuff here when it becomes relevant and available.