A busy year ahead...

Yes, yes. Another very delayed post. As always, my lack of updates wasn’t due to the inactivity on the game design front. Quite the opposite in fact. Since my previous post, The Anarchy has gone through a ton of changes and improvements. The pre-production copy of the game turned up last week just before our design retreat in Ohakune. Once again, Sam Phillips has done an outstanding job.

The Game Artisans of New Zealand have been growing. This year we were 26 strong at our retreat. An amazing weekend with some great people and some really clever designs. Can’t wait to see them on the shelves.

But Anarchy wasn’t the only game I’ve been working on over the last year. Arkus games approached me at the end of 2022 with an IP they thought I could do something with. I believe orginally Paul and Nicola (the directors) were thinking of a roll-and-write but the design has become something completely different, which has been a refreshing change. They announced my involvement at the beginning of this year.

I can’t say a huge amount at the moment, other than working with Wayne Barlowe has been fantastic. His art and world-building are incredible. I’m having a lot of fun.

Check out his portfolio here. https://waynebarlowe.com/

I’ll promise to jump back on when I can share more details of both projects!